Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Immigration Problems

While the border needs securing and protecting, the answer to immigration difficulties is not hate. Arizona's SB 1070 is an ineffective, knee jerk legislation designed to enhance the image of those who wrote and voted for it.

Many things need to change regarding immigration.

First, the border needs to be secured. A fence, a big, bad fence needs to built along the border as a symbol that the United States is a sovereign nation and as the most powerful country in the world has the will and determination to control our borders. Effective electronic surveillance needs to be employed so when the fence is breached, we know where and when and can respond immediately.

Second, we need to establish a guest worker program that will effectively allow those who want to come to the U.S. and work to do so without penalty. These individuals should be monitored, offered English classes and a path to citizenship if they desire.

Third, we need to institute the Dream Act. Not to do so is a national disgrace. Any illegal man or woman who wants to become a member of our armed forces should have citizenship classes as a part of their training and should not have completed basic training until they are citizens. The same should be true for college admissions. Citizenship classes should be completed the first semester of enrollment. The second semester classes may begins as soon as citizenship is achieved.

Fourth, we need to decide what to do with those who are here illegally. Providing a reasonable path to citizenship (not amnesty) is a good start. Any one who thinks we're going to chase down and deport 12-20 million illegals doesn't live in the real world.

The debate will continue for some time, but this position makes much more sense than those who make vague arguments against illegals. Worst of all is the position of doing nothing which is where we are now and have been for decades.

P.S. I live in Arizona

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